March- April
I just thought I would share my enthusiasm with you about
Magix web designer 6. It takes a bit of getting used to and
downloading the manual is also not a bad idea. As a
working tool is is truly excellent and I can recommend it
Friday-March 25th
This is a double card that I am working on. It will be part of
my collection of personal cards.I will be posting updates of
it’s developemnt in this column.
Saturday-April 2nd
The place to be. Obviously the tyres were warm after the
journey. To my amazement I found this beautifull cat lying
in the front wheel arch of a van. Totally relaxed. A chance
in a hundred to get a shot like this. This will either become
one of my martenpostcards
© or a poster.
copyright Marten Post 2011 All rights reserved
Designs for Global warming
posters & t-shirts.
March- April
I just thought I would share my enthusiasm with you about
Magix web designer 6. It takes a bit of getting used to and
downloading the manual is also not a bad idea. As a
working tool is is truly excellent and I can recommend it
Wednesday-April 7th
I started a while ago with a series of ideas for posters & T-
shirt designs relating to global warming. The area I live in
between the two rivers is exposed to large differences of
water levels. During the winter period the river expands
overflowing into the areas reserved for this between the
winter dykes. This can provide interesting as well as
spectacular imagery.
December-along the river