You can contact Marten Post via email prior to placing an assignment if you need to discuss any of the  options available. The time schedule is of course an important aspect and you should take into account a ‘making’ time of 3 weeks on average from date of receipt of your mailed postcard and receipt of the appropriate payment. 1. . You send an email indicating that you are placing an assignment.   Please indicate the theme of martenpostcard© you have chosen and to whom you would like to dedicate it (including yourself ofcourse).   You could add any keywords or info you think might be relevant for me in developing your card. You will need to add the address to where the framed martenpostcard© card should be delivered. 2. You will receive an email from me confirming - receipt of your assignment. - information on method of payment. - an approximate delivery time after your   payment has been received and cleared. 3. You send a postcard of your choice, via the regular mail to the address of Marten Post. -On the rear of the postcard you could write a    wish, a statement or a dedication. Then it is my turn! On receipt of your card and the information you sent me I will start the creative process of transforming your postcard into a special martenpostcard© using a variety of techniques. I will interpret the image on the front and the words you provide me in a personal manner.   I will use different techniques and materials which might be a combination of painting, drawing, collage and digital media but will also incorporate cut-outs of existing word images. The fusing of all these elements will contribute to the development of your personal martenpostcard©. Once the card has been framed I will place a printed backing which will hold: - a small image of the front of the original card you sent. - a small image of the original rear of the card. - a larger image of the new rear of the card (on which I have    drawn a selfportait)  which now lies hidden in the frame.     This is an example of the rear of a card ordered for a special occasion. “Jump in at the deep end, surprise me & surprise yourself” martenpostcard© copyright Marten Post  2011 All rights reserved