You send a stamped postcard through the regular mail service to Marten Post. On receipt of your card he will start the creative process of transforming it in order to create a special piece of art using a variety of techniques.   You might just want to order a single one or even  start a small collection in common with other people before you.  There is also the option of having a card made which you dedicate to a special person, a friend or relative. There have been  martenpostcard©  assignments for wedding presents, anniversaries and birthdays. The martenpostcard©  Has been presented on behalf of individuals as well as groups of friends. The back of the framed card always has a dedication sheet with the names of the donors. A seperate signed certificate of authenticity accompanies the work. The whole process is an exciting one for the artist as well as the person who orders the assignment. Risk taking is an inherent part of the creative process, I can not have a final image in mind at the start of each assignment. You on the other hand are investing in a small artwork that yet has to be created. We both have a role to play, you select the image you send plus any information you want to add and I have the task of responding using various techiques and materials in order to arrive at a two dimensional visual. It a new challenge every time, I only know that I have the experience and the knowhow to bring each  journey to  succesful end. In a way it reflects the manner in which I worked as Head of Art at Atlantic College. Every year there was a new intake of students who came from all corners of the world. The course was structured to fulfil the diploma requirements of the International Baccalaureate but it was equally important to have a system in place that enabled a response to young people from different cultures and who may or may not have had previous art education. Each ‘journey’of the martenpostcard© reminds me of the the risk we all took in order to achieve a succesful personal end result. “Jump in at the deep end, surprise me & surprise yourself” martenpostcard© copyright Marten Post  2011 All rights reserved