Every card you send initiates a unique creative reaction. In this manner you can very quickly start to develop your own private collection. You control the tempo in which you want to expand your collection by the amount of cards you send. martenpostcard© A Birthday surprise,  a Valentine card, cards celebrating a Wedding Anniversary, a graduation are all special moments you could highlight or enhance with a martenpostcard© A collection you develop based on cards that you mail during your travels from places which hold a special memory or that have made a great impact on you. The start of a collection for children, which begins when parents or grandparents have the enjoyment of taking their children to select a card and then helping them write a message or add a small drawing on the back. This of course is followed by going with them to “post’ the card. Any of the above themes can be chosen as a ’one off’ assignment copyright Marten Post  2011 All rights reserved